D Soft Technologies

Refund Policies

Refund Policies

For training-related services provided, due to any uncertainty if you are forced to discontinue due to personal or official reasons then the following will be applicable:
  1. If the course is 24Hrs. The initial fee payment, then reducing the registration amount to the remaining will be processed for immediate refund if reported during working hours of Banks in India.
  2. There will be no refund after 24Hrs of fee payment and the following will be the alternatives in this case:
  • If the candidate decides to discontinue the course for now and re-join later (no time limit) for the same course or even for a different course (provided, the copy of fee receipt or admission number taken earlier should be shared for verification):
  1. If joined for a different course and the fee remains the same, then there will be no need for extra payments.
  2. If the course joined later is of higher fee, then the remaining fee should be paid at the time of re-joining.
  3. If joined for a course of lesser fee, then the remaining amount will not be refunded but can be:
  • Used to study another course of an equivalent amount
  • Donated to a friend (by submitting a formal letter to the management requesting the same) who Can either attend a course for the fee equivalent to the balance amount (where he will not have to pay anything extra) Or Attend a course paying the remaining fee after deducting the received donation.
  • If the candidate is not interested in attending any course, then:
  1. If the decision is made before attending any class, then the whole fee can be handed over to a friend who is interested in doing a course (by submitting a formal letter to the management requesting the same). But this is not applicable under 3rd party loan schemes.
  2. If attended less than seven days of classes, the candidate can donate the whole fee to a friend interested in doing a course (by submitting a formal letter to the management requesting for the same). But this is not applicable under 3rd party loan schemes.
  3. If the candidate has attended more than seven days of class, then deducting the number of classes attended, the remaining fees can be donated. In this case, the candidate who receives the donation should make the remaining payments if the fee applicable for the course chosen exceeds the received donation amount. But this is not applicable under 3rd party loan schemes.
  • In the above-mentioned, option 1. is applicable for partial or full fee-paid candidates and option 2.is applicable only for those candidates who have fully paid the fee (if not paid, then make full payment to be eligible for the option).
  • On entering an admission form and self-attesting, it states that the candidate has agreed to all these terms and conditions.
  • In the case of corporates, the amount paid as per the invoice will not refunded under any circumstances. But can be utilized later for training the same or different candidate in the next 365 days from the payment date. We like to keep transparency in our operations and avoid disputes.
    We Wish you a happy learning with D Soft Technologies.

Changes to the Agreement

These terms and conditions are subject to change. D Soft Technologies reserves the right to modify these Terms of Service. We do so by posting and drawing attention to the updated terms on the site. Your visit to the site and making use of the site after such changes will considered as your formal acceptance of the new Terms of Service. Therefore, we ask that you check and review this agreement for such changes on an occasional basis. If you are not ready to agree to any provision of this Agreement or any changes in this Agreement, we ask and advise that you do not use or continue to access the D Soft Technologies.