D Soft Technologies

Placement Terms and Conditions

Placement Terms and Conditions

D Soft Technologies being an R&D and No.1 IT Training Institute in Kerala, provides 100% placement assistance to the candidates who are eligible and qualify for placement services. D Soft Technologies is an IT Training and Skill Development Institute that also provides in-depth knowledge for students to have perfect knowledge regarding the subject and to secure their dream job with placement assistance. Here are a few details of how Placement Services are conducted


  • Candidates who have enrolled for Advanced Diploma or Post Graduation Diploma courses in D Soft Technologies, are eligible for Placement services provided by D Soft Technologies.
  • Candidates should make sure that they don’t have any payment dues to be eligible for placement services from D Soft Technologies.
  • Candidate should have valid certification of Advanced Diploma or Post Graduation Diploma courses from D Soft Technologies
  • Candidates should have attendance above 80% will be eligible for placement services.
  • The candidate should be an Indian Citizen.
  • Candidate should register with the D Soft Technologies Placement Department to get support and Notification.


  • On completion of the course, the candidate must update the CV or Resume and register with D Soft Technologies Placement Services to get placement updates.
  • Format for CV or resume should be collected from D Soft Technologies Placement Department for the specific selection process.
  • CV or Resume should be updated by the candidate in the given format and should be submitted to the Placement Department for correction before registering in D Soft Technologies Placement Service.
  • Mock interviews and soft skill development sessions are conducted and candidates should attend them before registering in D Soft Technologies Placement Services.
  • Further, candidates who registered in D Soft Technologies Placement Services will get notifications of available opportunities.
Candidates can apply for openings individually, which they can decide based on their preference and if they find themselves suitable for that specific opening based on the job description.
  • On getting shortlisted for an opening, the candidate should confirm that he/she will attend the interview without fail.
  • The candidate should take the initiative to attend the scheduled interview at the respective location without fail. If failed to attend the scheduled interview without any prior notification, the candidate will be blacklisted and further will not get any Placement related support from D Soft Technologies
  • On getting selected for an interview, the candidate should inform the D Soft Technologies Placement Service team and share the Offer Letter with the Team.
  • Once the Job is confirmed, the candidate should submit their review on the Placement Service received from D Soft Technologies
  • If the candidate fails to join the organization after receiving an Offer Letter, then such candidates will be blacklisted and further will not get any Placement related support from D Soft Technologies
  • Any malpractice found will lead to getting blacklisted and further will not get any Placement related support from D Soft Technologies


  • D Soft Technologies will schedule interviews with client companies who are recruiting from D Soft Technologies placement services. Such recruitment will be purely handled by the recruiting company to meet their requirements.
  • D Soft Technologies does not guarantee any arrangements for interview/providing a job within a specified period.
  • D Soft Technologies does not guarantee any job for any course undertaken by D Soft Technologies
  • Short-listing & calling a candidate for an interview is solely at the discretion of D Soft Technologies. Applicant’s CV or Resume will scrutinized by the D Soft Technologies placement coordination Team and those candidates who meet the client’s requirement alone will considered for an Interview.
  • If any candidate gets selected with our reference and recommendations, he/she has to inform us and endorse a copy of the appointment letter immediately to us for our records.
  • If advised by the D Soft Technologies Placement Service team, the candidate has to submit their updated CV or Resume for every opening.
  • In case of selection of the candidates, D Soft Technologies does not charge any recruitment fees before or after recruitment. Placement service is an add-on benefit for candidates who have enrolled for Advanced Diploma or Post Graduation Diploma courses delivered by D Soft Technologies.
  • For Placement Services provided by D Soft Technologies, the candidates who come under the above-mentioned categories, if any employee of D Soft Technologies or outside of D Soft Technologies demands payments, this should not be entertained and should be reported to the training centre immediately.
  • If the candidate discloses the details of the vacancy/company name to anybody outside D Soft Technologies, for which he/she has been sent through D Soft Technologies Placement Services, then the candidate will be blacklisted and further will not get any Placement related support from D Soft Technologies.
  • If a candidate gets selected for a job through D Soft Technologies Placement Services, then he/she will be solely the employee of the concerned organization, D Soft Technologies will not be responsible for any legal/dispute or any other matter between the candidate and the organization.
  • The Registration is valid for up to one year from the date of Registration.
  • D Soft Technologies will not be responsible for any commitments made by any employee of D Soft Technologies regarding placement other than what is mentioned above.
  • All disputes will be settled at Ernakulam Jurisdiction alone..